It is our anniversary today. We have been married five years! Can you believe it? We exchanged our gifts this morning. We have been following the
traditional anniversary gifts every year and this year we had to give wood, which was challenging for both of us. Brian got me this awesome wooden stool that folds out to become a step stool that I can use for my classroom in the fall. I got him some wood planters and wooden-handled gardening tools since he's so excited to work in a yard after our years in a townhouse.
Unfortunately, that has been the extent of our celebration today. I had to take a test for my Theatre Arts teaching certification requirements this morning, and Brian and Chase are on their way back from the ER as I type. Chase has been sick for a couple days with a runny nose and goopy (how technical!) eyes and today it got much worse. I would have thought it was pink eye but his eyeballs weren't pink. I called a nurse and gave her all of his symptoms and she said we needed to take him to an urgent care or the ER. Since all the urgent cares around here were closed (don't get me started on that!) I asked if I could take him in the morning and was told, "No, ma'am. You need to get him to an ER tonight." So of course I freaked a little bit, like she knew something terrible was wrong with him but wouldn't tell me. Anyway, so Brian took him to the ER while I worked on my MOUND of homework due Monday. After all that they said it looks like he either has allergies (since we're new to the area) or a summer cold. I hope it's not allergies because it is something NASTY to have to deal with on a regular basis.
So.... Happy Anniversary to us! I'm sure we'll do a real celebration after our crazy lives die down a little. We close on our house Monday (!!!!) so next week is moving week! We are SO excited, but it is going to be a CRAZY week for us, trying to move and still deal with work and school and all that. But we are ready to feel settled here. Let the games begin!