Friday, September 19, 2014

Conversations with a 4-Year-Old: Husband Material

Thought you'd enjoy this snippet of a Wortham car ride conversation:
CHLOE: Mom, when I get married I'm going to marry Miles.
MOM: Oh yeah?  Why Miles?  What makes him good husband material?
CHLOE: Well, he runs away from me all the time.
CHASE: Chloe, if you marry someone that means you love them.  Like give them hugs and kisses and stuff.
CHLOE: (in a "DUH!" voice) Well I already do that!
*sigh*  I still have so much to teach her....

Monday, September 1, 2014

Back to School

Last week we all went back to school.  Behold... my new classroom!

The kids got to come to my school several times to "help" me move my classroom to the stage.  While we were there we also got to visit with my art teacher friend Willow who was hard at work in her own classroom.  She was even there on her birthday (crazy!!) so we just had to bring her cupcakes!

My biggest challenge in the move to the stage was transforming this storage room...

...into my new office!

It's not 100% done (hence the mess above the curtains), but it is definitely a VAST improvement!!

The kids were with their dad for the first day of school, but he sent me a picture.  Chloe is now in Pre-K and Chase is in 2nd grade:

I survived my first week back but I definitely looked forward to the end of the day when I could change into my fuzzy slippers!  Time to train these feet for heels again!

1 week down, 39-ish to go!

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