Well the summer is definitely not over, but it seems like we have done so much in the past month or so, and I have been horrible about reporting it! So here's a little "catch-up" blog post about some of the things we have done to keep busy since the end of the school year.
We kicked off the summer with Chase's Kindergarten graduation (sorry for the horrible photo):
Shortly after that we celebrated my birthday! Seeing as it's my mom's birthday, too, we did a little birthday party via Skype:
Instead of a big cake on my birthday, I always get cupcakes from my favorite place, Cookie Addiction. This year I got to enjoy my cupcake and ice cream on the new dishes the kids made me. Precious!
The first official day of summer break I took the kids to the splash pad:
Some other fun things we did this summer were...
Carpet picnics:
Painting a birdhouse for their dad for Father's Day:
Playing at the park, where the kids loved to play Hide and Seek (can you find Chloe?):
I took some shots of them in the trees and this one is so cute except for one thing:
(I had to teach her how to be a lady!):
We have also been getting ready to move down to the Austin area! The day they put this sign up in my yard I about threw a party:
We spent a few days exploring our soon-to-be new neighborhood, checking things out and finding fun things to do there. We found a splash pad nearby, which the kids obviously enjoyed:
The kids also decided they found their new favorite pizza place (we have already eaten there twice):
Conveniently, there's a Baskin Robbins next door (no complaints here!):
We also had to go furniture shopping, which the kids helped me with. We had different ideas of what would work well in our new house:
They have done quite a bit of shopping with me, actually. It isn't usually a fun thing for me to do with them, but they have been troopers:
I also got a new iPad for school, which was taken over right away:
(Though we have had fun with other games this summer, too):
The last couple weeks we have had swim lessons. Both kids loved their lessons this year. They both did so well. Chase is finally swimming on his own:
Here's a photo of Chloe floating on her back with her teacher, who she loved:
And here she is again, coming to get a kiss from me:
(How can you resist that face? I don't even try....)
Well, I think that about covers it! We are gearing up to move! Every day while Chloe naps, Chase helps with with house projects and packing. We are all so excited! Stay tuned for more updates!