I do not have a green thumb. I kill plants. I don't like the dirt and the bugs that live in it. I have never planted anything in my life.
Until today.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen.... I did some landscaping in my front yard. ALL BY MYSELF. And right now I couldn't be more proud.
When I moved in last summer, landscaping was the last thing on my mind. I didn't like what the previous owners did so I didn't bother watering it because frankly I didn't care if it all died. I had a couple neighbors say something to me about watering my plants and I was like, "eh." I was more concerned with the inside because let's face it.... That's where I LIVE! Well the time had finally come to do something about the carnage in my front yard:
(Yes, my kids are giving the yard a "thumbs down!")
I went to a nursery last night and when I walked in I basically said, "I have no idea what I'm doing. Someone please help me!" I had taken pictures on my phone and told them I needed low low low (x1000)- maintenance bushes. The lady there was SO helpful and I just loaded up the car with everything she said I needed:
This morning I stood in my yard staring at it for awhile before I just dug the shovel into the dirt and started tearing the place up. When I planted my first bush I did a little happy dance:
As I was taking a picture of that accomplishment, the neighbor who mows my lawn walked up and said, "Well look at you!" And then followed it up with, "You made sure to get plants you don't have to water, right?" Ha ha!
Four hours later I am amazed at the results. Ready? Here we go!
What a HUGE difference! I'm totally in love with it and I couldn't be prouder of my accomplishment. Now I just have to make sure I don't kill them! (Wish me luck!)
And yes, I know I need grass, too. Baby steps!