We grocery shopped (despite protests):
We started cooking together more. Our specialty? Friday night pizzas!
We also made "pizza rolls" one night:
We had tea parties...
...and went to the Thinkery, where the kids could have their funny faces projected on a big screen for all to marvel over:
We spent lots of time getting wrinkly in the water, whether it was at the pool or the water park:
Every Wednesday morning when I picked them up from their dad's was "Workout Wednesday." The routine included breakfast at Dunkin Donuts before the play room opened at the gym. Apparently that makes me mom of the year:
We made a movie:
And the most exciting thing we did all summer was... YARDWORK! Ha ha!
I must have worked them hard because we also had several "crashes" throughout the summer:
Now it's time for BACK TO SCHOOL!