Chloe's actual birthday was June 30th, but we had to have her big birthday party later due to the timing of our vacation and the 4th of July.
On her actual birthday we went to the water park and then did a family dinner at Gattiland, per her request:
And of course she got to open her birthday gift (experience, per tradition) from me!
She is super excited!
She had a Pokemon themed birthday party, so I got to make another fun cake (also per tradition)!
She had fun opening her presents...
...and SWIMMING! It gave her a chance to really have some fun with that new
waterproof camera Grandma and Grandpa K gave her!
And of course you can't forget her boyfriend Mason!
Our friends Katie and Ashlyn came to visit for the weekend so they could come to the party, so we busted out the water balloons...
...and the girls played Just Dance on the XBOX (yes, Katie and me included):
Chase went to a friend's house one night, so we just
had to have a girls nite! We decided to hit the water park for family night, where they had fireworks! We got the girls to go down water slides with us, and when Katie and I teamed up on a double tube there was no stopping us... literally! We were going so fast we crashed into the end of the pool and Katie catapulted out of the front of the tube! Luckly we're tough and everyone survived. The girls were completely oblivious. Haha!
Before Katie and Ashlyn left, the girls headed to Charming Charlie's, where my little birthday diva just had to model some accessories for me:
Really?? *sigh*