Sunday, November 12, 2017

School Pictures

Here are the kids' school pictures this year!  Please respect copyright.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Another Soccer Season Over

Chloe just finished another soccer season.  Here are some photo highlights, compliments of another soccer parent and her fabulous photography skills!

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween!

'Tis the season for creative costume design!  As usual, I faced the kids' Halloween costume challenges head on!

Chloe wanted to be Cheeky Chocolate (the Shopkins character)...

...and Chase wanted to be this character from Roblox (whoever it is!):

Behond... the results!

Chloe actually helped make hers this year, which was super fun!  Maybe it will inspire her to make her own kids' costumes one day!

Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 27, 2017

Chase is a Blue Belt!

Chase's tournament pushed him so hard, he was able to get his blue belt a week later!


Saturday, October 21, 2017

Chase's First Tae Kwon Do Tournament

Chase almost didn't sign up for this tournament.  He was really afraid, but he finally did it anyway.  I couldn't be more proud of him for stepping outside his comfort zone.  It has really pushed him further and he had so much fun!  He competed in forms (3rd place in his group)...

...and board breaking (2nd place in his group):

They grouped kids by ability level and I was proud to see Chase was the lowest belt in his forms group.  I told him he should be proud to even be placed with those kids, but he still wasn't thrilled about that third place!

Overall, though, he had an awesome time and was on cloud nine when we left:

I tried to take credit for one of those medals, but he wasn't feeling it!

Go, Chase!

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Conversations With a 7-Year-Old: Breakups

Chloe playing in the bath with her horses....

HORSE A: I love you.
HORSE B: You’re not my type. I’m sorry.... you’re a really nice guy.


And the other day I had this conversation with her:

CHLOE: You know how I have 2 boyfriends named Mason?
ME: *sigh* Yes....
CHLOE: I think I want to break up with one of them.
ME: Good idea.
CHLOE: But I want to let him down gently.
ME: Well that’s nice.
CHLOE: Like you taught me.

I'm glad she's learning so much from me!  Lol

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Conversation With a 7-Year-Old: Mom's Got Talent

Lol my daughter! Last night we were playing a game where we had to do a bunch of challenges and my challenge was to screech like a monkey for 30 seconds without laughing (which of course I nailed).  Haha!  Anyway....

Today we were watching "America's Got Talent" and then...

CHLOE:  Mom, you should go on this show.

MOM:  For what? What would my talent be?

CHLOE:  Acting!

MOM:  Oh yeah? You think I'm a good actress?

CHLOE:  MOM. You can scream like a crazy monkey without laughing. Who ELSE can do that?!?

Man I love her. She's so easily impressed!

Monday, August 28, 2017

Back to School!

Time to say goodbye to our summer spent by the pool...

...and at the ballpark:

That's right!  It's time to go back to school!  The kids' first day was also my students' first day, so I couldn't take them.  Thankfully Chase's girlfriend's mom was able to take them, and even took pictures for me!  Introducing my 5th and 2nd graders...!

And I got to go back to the best admin team in the WORLD!

Have a great school year!

Friday, July 28, 2017

Chase is a Blue Stripe!

Chase is now a Blue Stripe!  I'm particularly proud of him for this one because it was rough getting here.  In the beginning, Tae Kwon Do came very easily to Chase.  He didn't have to work very hard to achieve results.  But as soon as he got his green belt things got more challenging and he became more and more frustrated.  He started fighting us about going, and faked stomach aches when we got there.  I had a heart to heart with him when I tucked him in one night and we talked a lot about having a growth mindset, and about the things I missed out on when I was young because I quit every time things got too hard.  Since that point he has really worked to change his attitude and not give up, even when he wants to.  As I parent I was like, "whoah... he actually heard me?"  Pretty cool.

Anyway, this was a big deal and you could tell he was extra excited because he nailed it!!!!

He had to break a board with a special kick this time, and he was really nervous about it.  He broke it on the first try and was slightly excited:

I thought he was going to lose his composure when he actually got the new belt in his hands!

He was so proud of himself....

My little man didn't give up... and now he's reaping the rewards!

Go, Chase!!!!

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Lion King Birthday Experience

Every year I give my kids a birthday "experience" instead of birthday presents.  Because let's face it... they gets lot of presents from everyone else and the best gift you can give someone is your time, anyway... right?  Well this year I got Chloe and myself tickets to see The Lion King (the musical) in Houston.  Chase stayed at his dad's while I stole her away for a night!

The experience started with a shopping trip to get a dress (and shoes and jewelry, of course)!

Then we drove to Houston and got ready at my BFF Katie's house:

We went out to dinner and ate on a rooftop with a view of the city:

And then we headed to the show!  Right when we got there a nice lady came up to Chloe and offered her a free Lion King bag with a color program inside.  Those color programs are $30 alone!  Score!

Do you see Chloe's fabulous shoes?  She picked those out all on her own, without knowing we were going to match!

The show was incredible.  Chloe absolutely loved it, and she gave me the sweetest hug and thank you afterwards.  I told her she could choose a souvenir from the merchandise stand, so....  Introducing the newest member of the family... SIMBA!


(Or something like that.)

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