Friday, April 28, 2017

My Little Green Belt!

Chase got his Green Belt in Tae Kwon Do!  I'm so proud of him!

Afterwards we went for pizza and loved on him... which he totally appreciated!  Lol

Congrats, little man!

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Hoppy Easter!

I took the kids to an Easter egg hunt and it was quite the adventure.  Chloe went out for her age group and came back with an overflowing basket!

She even tried to share with some littler kids, which was incredibly sweet to watch:

Chase ran out with his age group and I lost sight of him in the mad dash for eggs.  He came back with about 8 eggs in his basket.  What?!?  I asked him what happened, and he explained a kid knocked his basket out of his hands and stole all his eggs.  He was trying really hard to be brave and not cry.  I just pulled him in to give him a hug and he started quietly sobbing into my shoulder.  As I held him I watched Chloe move some eggs from her basket into his.

We had a good talk about how he can take comfort in the fact he was the type of person who would never do that to someone else.  Then we blew that pop stand and went out for ice cream.  I'm so proud of the amazing people my kids are growing into.

After all that drama we went home and colored fun emoji eggs for the Easter Bunny!  I'm told he had a little helper hiding eggs around out house this year.  I'm sure the Easter Bunny appreciated being able to pass that pressure on to someone else!  ;)

Happy Easter!

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Day at the Park

We spent some time at the park today!

We got our feet wet...

And got a little silly!

That is all!

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