Here's what's been going on up to this point:
05/01/06 (6 wks) - I called in sick for the first time since I started working at Wausau 2 1/2 years ago. I took a pregnancy test that afternoon and could hardly believe my eyes.... That actually WORKS?!? I called Brian at work and he could hardly believe it, either. Even though we had been trying it just didn't seem real. Our own calculated due date: Christmas Eve.
05/08/06 (7 wks) - First doctor's appointment. Pretty uneventful appointment until they said they were going to take my blood and I turned white. Brian came with me and held my hand. His poor hand had fingernail marks in it when I finally let go (I told him he better get used to it)!
05/10/06 (7 wks) - Got all the lab test results back from my first appointment and everything looks good!
05/12/06 (7 wks) - First (early) ultrasound (see photo above)! We were foggy on my timeline so wanted to make sure I wasn't more pregnant that we thought. Turns out we were right on... 8 weeks, give or take a couple days. It looks like a tiny little bean at this point. We also heard the heartbeat (162 - normal) which was SO cool! It made it much more real for both of us. I got sick afterwards (not an unusual occurrence these days, as I am struggling with "morning, noon and night sickness")!
05/14/06 (8 wks) - Happy Mother's Day to Me!
05/15/06 (8 wks) - Baby is nicknamed the "Little Bean!"
06/08/06 (11 wks) - 2nd doctor's appointment. More blood tests (and more fingernail marks in Brian's hand)! We got to listen to the baby's heartbeat again (174 - normal).... It's just so fast and cute! Also got the doctor's official due date based on our early ultrasound: December 22nd.
06/10/06 (11wks) - Happy Birthday to Little Bean's Mommy (and Grandmommy)! Brian and I strolled through Babies R Us to price furniture and see what we were in for, and while we were there a store employee approached Brian and asked if he wanted to participate in Daddy Olympics. To my surprise he said, "why not?" He was entered in a race to chug a baby bottle full of water. Well all that beer chugging in college must have done my hubby some good because he was the champion! He won a bib that says, "My Dad Rulz!" I'm so proud....
06/11/06 (12 wks) - My show ("All in the Timing" at Steel Beam Theatre) is now over. I can't believe I got through it without throwing up on anyone.
06/18/06 (13 wks) - Happy Father's Day to Brian!
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