Chase's grandparents were also kind enough to babysit while Brian and I went on a much needed date! We went out for an incredibly yummy dinner and then to the casino to get rich (unfortunately that plan didn't work out as well and we lost $60 instead). Afterwards we topped the evening off by going out for dessert. Yummmmmmm.... Thanks, Mom and Dad!
Pics of the weekend coming soon to our Photo Album!
It IS a pretty good picture, though a bit blurry. It seems as if parents and babies are never still:). You are welcome for the date night. It was fun. How's the cereal coming?
Yeah, a lot of what you took on that little camera came out blurry, unfortunately.
Chase is enjoying his cereal. We're now supposed to give it to him twice a day and Brian called me at work yesterday to listen as Chase laughed his way through the meal! Hilarious!
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