Luckily they have not invaded the suburb where we live (phew!) but they have invaded the area where I work!
We had been warned of the cicada invasion on the news and on the radio because they only come out once every 17 years here (and this was the year for it!), but the first time we noticed them was on our drive home from Michigan on Monday. It just seemed like Brian was hitting massive bugs right and left and I said, "What is going on?!? Are they attracted to your car or something?" Brian said, "Maybe it's the cicadas," and I looked out my window only to see them SWARMING around the area. The sound of them buzzing was so loud and they were skidding all over the highway as cars drove through. CREEPY!!!!
Later that night I opened the door to the garage only to have one whip right by my face and into the house! It must have hitched a ride on my car. I started screaming as it flew like a maniac around our kitchen and dining room. Boomerang (our cat) was going CRAZY! I screamed, "Boomerang, I know you're not supposed to get on the counters but do whatever you have to do to get that thing!" Finally it flew into one of the globes of our dining room chandelier and I trapped it!

However did you get that fantastic close-up of one of these critters? We are SO well as a bit disgusted:). You're right - it's crazy!
Can't take credit for the close-up (or any of the photos, for that matter). Got them all off the internet (local news site).
Update: We finally took the box off the globe only to find a dead MOTH inside. I'm so embarrassed....
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