I had to go to Atlanta for an all-day meeting yesterday. I flew in Monday night and out Tuesday night. It would have been a pretty boring trip but I took the opportunity to have dinner with my wonderful friend Janet while I was there! She is doing an internship about an hour and a half away and she was kind enough to drive all the way over to have dinner with me! As always, I learned so much from her... about horse acupuncture, camel dentistry and the unbelievably exciting (*drum roll, please*)... World Rabies Day!! (Next year I'm totally throwing a party for it.) I'm afraid all I had to offer her were stories of boogers and poop. Come to think of it, she had some of those stories for me, too.
So, anyway, Monday night in Atlanta was fun. Tuesday night was not. My plane was delayed and I spent many hours in the airport watching a special on Osama Bin Laden that was playing on all the TV's. Now maybe I'm overreacting but it just seemed a bit tasteless and insensitive to play that on 9/11 in the airport. At any rate, I came out of it all with just a mild case of sleep deprivation (hence my lack of brain function for a snappy title to this blog).
Z z z z z z z z z z z z . . . .
1 comment:
yeah...I agree that the viewing choice was in poor taste.
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