When I was little I had his album "Wa'd'ya Wanna Do?" It was a copy of a tape someone made for my mom and I played that tape CONSTANTLY and sang all the songs... all the time (I'm sure I drove my mom nuts). Anyway, Mom was cleaning out her attic a little while back and found the tape. I was SO excited to have it back but then sadly realized I didn't have a tape player to play it on! I went online to see if somehow, some way I could find a CD of it and was thrilled to find he had a website with tons more albums and other products (DVD's, song books, etc.) to purchase!
I ordered my CD, got it super fast and have been playing it constantly since. Chase loves the music and I have to admit I play it in my car on commutes when Chase isn't with me because I still remember all the words and it puts me in a great mood.
The wonderful thing about Peter Alsop's songs is that besides being fun, they teach great lessons. Without going into detail I can tell you that Peter's music made an incredible impact on my life as a kid, and still does today when I revisit it. Peter Alsop taught me invaluable lessons through his music, and I'm so excited to find he has more products because Chase will be getting lots of them throughout the years.
Peter is an educational psychologist who writes songs for kids AND adults. You can learn more about him and order products, etc. on his website at www.peteralsop.com (and if you click on "Peter's Tunes" you can listen to sound clips of some of his music). If you are looking for great songs that teach great lessons and are sick of cheesy Barney tunes, definitely check him out. It just may change your child's life, like I believe it changed mine.
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