- Head: 47" (50th percentile)
- Length: 30.5" (50th percentile)
- Weight: 24lb 4oz (45th percentile)
Some fun things he's been doing lately:
- Clapping his hands (especially when he's proud of himself for something)
- Waving hi & bye (he'll say bye-bye, too)
- "Tickling" us (even though it kind of hurts, it's still cute!)
- If you give him something and say "put it away" he'll put it away in the toy box or whatever (but then he gets on a roll and decides EVERYTHING needs to be put into the toy box)!
- Peekaboo (especially with the hood of his bath towel)
- Kisses (we just started this and according to Brian he is french kissing, but he hasn't attacked me with that tongue yet... thank goodness)!
We're also still working on walking. He will take a step or two to us but unless we encourage him he has no interest in it. Still working on it, but I don't think it will be too much longer (*knock on wood*)! He has the ability, just not the drive or the confidence yet.
He is so dang cute!! You and Brian should both be so proud.....which I'm sure you are! =) Have a nice weekend and Happy Easter!
Jacob gives tongue, too! ha! Our guy isn't walking yet either - same thing - he probably 'could' but just doesn't want to. He and Chase can just sit in the sandbox together this summer while everyone else runs around them, bringing them drinks, etc :-)
Liam did the same thing with walking - I think he liked crawling because it was so much faster than those wobbly babys steps. Now he runs!
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