Saturday, May 31, 2008
Sweet Cheeks
Look at that little butt!
Brian just may kill me for this post.... (Sorry, honey!)
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Step 3 Complete!
At this point we are exploring the area a little bit, buying groceries, doing laundry, unpacking our suitcases, etc. Tonight I have a new student orientation at school and tomorrow I'll go back to campus to pay my tuition, buy my books, etc.
It doesn't quite feel real. If it wasn't for the 90 degree weather I wouldn't believe we were actually here! MAN it's hot!!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
46 Bobby Pins (and even more tears)
It was such a beautiful day. The wedding came together perfectly, which is so fitting since Amanda is the essence of perfection! I was so honored to stand by her side today. Amanda and I have been great friends since college. We've been through a lot together and I am so thrilled she and her beautiful daughter Kathleen found Mr. Right to complete their family. Congratulations, Chris and Amanda! The photos I took are in our Photo Album if you want to check them out.
In Amanda's honor I will tell our favorite story. Ready? Here goes.
The summer Amanda was pregnant with Kathleen her car battery died just a few blocks away from where I worked. She stopped into my office and asked if I knew of any guy in the office who could give her a jump. I was in one of those proud "We don't need a man!" modes, so I said I would help her. I pulled my car up to hers and we opened the hoods. We hooked the jumper cables up to my battery just fine but her battery was so old it was corroded and we couldn't tell which was side was positive and which was negative. So what did we do? We guessed.
Never guess.
We hooked it up and a little spark flew up, followed by a tiny sizzle of smoke. Amanda was like, "Ummmm.... Christine?" I said, running to my car, "It's fine.... Just get in your car and I'll hit the gas!"
Never listen to me.
Before we knew it there was smoke EVERYWHERE. We ran out of our cars and the plastic was literally melting off the jumper cables... including the handles (so we couldn't unhook them from the batteries)! In a panic I started running around the neighborhood knocking on doors and screaming for help. Amanda totally kept her cool (that is SO Amanda... and SO not me!). Finally the smoke died down once we turned our cars off and we were able to pry the cables off the batteries with some old rags once they cooled down. We then realized the cables had actually burned into the side of my car (that was fun to explain when I traded it in for a new one a few years later)!
*sigh* OK, fine, I'll admit it.... We needed a man.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Congratulations, David Cook!
Am I making any sense or am I just babbling? Forgive me. Anyway, until next year....
CW.... OUT!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
More Animals!
Today we ran around all day and the last stop was the cemetary where Brian's mom is buried. There is a great pond there where we fed the ducks! Chase loved the "quack quacks," but the rest of us were attacked by one or more of them at some point. Here is a nice photo I took of The Worthams while we were there:
Monday, May 19, 2008
Petting Zoo
It's nice to be able to enjoy family time while we can, before we start work/school again in a few weeks.
Movie Marathon
Of course after seeing previews all day for the other movies coming out this summer we decided we are going to need another movie marathon day to see all those summer films!
Anyway, it was great fun. I wonder if the employees there noticed we had been there all afternoon?! The ticket people were confused more than once when Brian bought 2 tickets and then said his wife was already inside (I was often getting the popcorn and soda refills)! I would highly recommend this date idea if you love movies. We were fortunate enough to have free babysitters or it would have been a VERY expensive day! Thanks, Grandma & Grandpa W!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
When we got home we put him down and our plan backfired (truth be told, they usually do)! He fought the nap for an hour and eventually slept for only about 45 minutes before we had to wake him up to go to the game. We weren't quite sure what kind of mood he would be in at the ballpark but, as usual, he was a champ!
His favorite moments of the game:
- Clapping! He loved clapping every time the audience cheered.
- Dancing to the loud music.
- Flirting with the lady sitting next to me (She loved his clapping, so from time to time he would just start clapping randomly... looking at her the whole time like, "Are you paying attention? I'm being cute here!")
- "Bubbles" (What he called the bugs swarming around the stadium lights)
- Balls - He actually followed the baseball as the pitcher threw it, batters hit it, etc. He would just shout over and over in excitement, "Ball! Ball! Ball!"
We thought he would pass out in the car on the way home but he didn't sleep a wink. He pointed out all the trucks (or "crucks") on the road as they passed, hugged his blanket and kept saying, "night night." He CRASHED when we got back... just grabbed his blanket and literally fell over sideways in his pack-n-play. Too sweet.
Today we went out and did a little shopping, drove around neighborhoods looking at houses, and when we got home Grandma (and Grandpa) took Chase outside for some bubbles (what a hit)!
Tomorrow Grandma and Grandpa have volunteered to babysit most of the day. Brian and I are going to do a movie marathon! More on that next post....
Friday, May 16, 2008
Goodbye Syesha
It will be interesting to see how each of those extremely different artists perform the same song next week!! As you may remember, I am not a fan of that part of the competition but at least this year it could be interesting, because David Cook just may be capable of making a pop song his own to rock it out his own way (if they let him)!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Mom's Shoes are FABULOUS!
Chase was playing with my shoes this morning and I took the opportunity to work on "on" vs. "off" with him. Every time his foot came out of the shoe he would hand it back to me and say, "On!"
Sorry, Brian. He chose the pink heels, not me.... I swear!
P.S. I added a video of Chase walking to the previous post ("Baby Steps") if you want to check it out!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Baby Steps!
Also in the "step" department, Chase is getting stronger and stronger with his walking! He took his first "real" steps at Nicole's house Tuesday night (meaning he let go of me and took about 5 steps completely on his own), and today he ventured all over the place, going from person to person, letting go on his own without prodding... and he was truly enjoying himself! WOO HOO! We are thrilled, just days before his 17-month "birthday."
You know, our pediatrician said at his last appointment that if he wasn't walking by 18 months he would need to go to therapy (Physical? Occupational? I don't remember). Anyway.... I was never sold on that idea so I'm glad he started on his own before his 18 month visit so we don't have to fight that recommendation. I mean, this whole time we knew he was strong enough and definitely capable, he just lacked the courage and motivation. And come on.... How many adults do you see roaming around on their hands and knees? I was like, "He'll get it!" And today he proved it. We are so proud!
Monday, May 12, 2008
Mother's Day
I also got two Pandora charms for my bracelet for Mother's Day.... An apple "teacher" charm to symbolize my new venture into the world of education, and a house (for our new house, obviously)! But the best Mother's Day gift was a big sloppy kiss on the chin from my baby. You just can't beat that.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Step 2 Complete!
We left my parents' house Tuesday morning and headed for Chicago. We drugged Boomerang up with tranquilizers (he does NOT do well in the car) and he passed out in his litter box:
We stayed the night at friends Bart & Nicole's, who have the most adorable 3-week-old baby in the world! Meet Conor:
Chase thought he was pretty cool, too:
Wednesday morning Brian and Chase left for St. Louis while I stayed with Nicole through Saturday morning to help her with Conor (and to spend a little more time with her before I had to say goodbye.... But don't get me started on that or I'll start bawling again)! 2 nights this week I took over baby duty all night so they could get some sleep. While Conor was a WAY better sleeper than Chase ever was, around 4am both nights I was reminded of the sleep deprivation new parents go through.... And I'm not quite ready to do that again!
While I was in Chicago, Brian flew to Pittsburgh for his friends BJ & Andrea's wedding (Chase stayed in St. Louis with his Grandma & Grandpa W). Saturday we all met back in St. Louis and Step 3 officially began! It looks like we should have a couple quieter weeks ahead of us here in St. Louis until I fly to Raleigh for my friend Amanda's wedding Memorial Day weekend. PHEW!
Friday, May 9, 2008
Goodbye Jason
I can't think of anything else to say about Jason. I'm a tad sleep deprived right now (more on that in a later post).
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Friday, May 2, 2008
What a Week!
One of the requirements of the program was to get 20 hours of classroom observation in before April 25th (the day after we had to be out of our townhouse). I wasn't aware of that due date until 2 weeks before (the week we were all home sick with the flu!).... I thought I had until classes began to get them done. Since I was working full-time and getting my hours in before we had to move would have been impossible, the kind people at Tarleton gave me a week's extension to today.
OK, now that I've set that all up, let me give you an idea of what we have done this week while visiting my parents in Michigan:
Brian and I spent the day in Saginaw. I observed about 4 hours of classes and then we spent some time at the mall and went out to eat. Grandma and Grandpa babysat Chase (hey, they volunteered)!
I drove up to Interlochen and observed classes there all day, then stayed the night. Brian drove back to Chicago for a meeting at his school and his LAST CLASS the next day. Grandma and Grandpa babysat Chase.
I spent another full day at Interlochen and drove home that night. Brian was in Chicago all day for his class that evening. Grandma and Grandpa babysat Chase until Grandma had to go to her musical rehearsal, then Aunt Kiersten and Cousin Kailey took over until I got home.
I went back to Saginaw to observe their morning class. Immediately after the class got out I hopped in the car and drove to Flint to catch a flight to Texas. I got in last night and rushed over to take pictures of our ever-evolving new house before the sun went down! I then stayed up ALL NIGHT LONG (til 3:30am) putting my classroom observation journal together to hand in at my interview today. Brian drove back from Chicago and got there late that afternoon to relieve the grandparents. Are you tallying up the babysitting bill?
That brings us to today. I got up this morning, did my interview, and hopped in the car to drive back to the airport, which is where I sit now, just waiting for my flight and the chance to lay my head against the plane window and SLEEP my way "home." Brian and Chase are there waiting for me.
TOMORROW WE CAN BREATHE AGAIN (for a little bit, anyway).... Next week we get a little crazy again while I spend a few days in Chicago with my friend Nicole and her baby, while Brian and Chase will continue on to St. Louis (Grandma and Grandpa W's). Then Brian will fly to Pittsburgh for a wedding he is in there and we'll all meet up again next Saturday in St. Louis. After that we should have more "down time" before we move down to Texas... but we won't hold our breath.
Goodbye Brooke
Our Blog Has Moved!
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DISCLAIMER: Texas is a huge state. We are very well aware not all areas here are the same. These are just a few things we have learned about...
Well, it's official. Brian is now "Dr. Brian." This post is a bit delayed due to our travel and all, but Brian walked through ...
Chase and I got back from Tampa yesterday. Brian had a conference scheduled there so we tacked a little family getaway onto the front of it....