We have had an incredibly busy week. I will begin with a little background. For those of you who don't already know, I am going back to school to get my teaching certificate to teach theatre! I haven't said anything on this blog before now because I didn't want to jinx myself in case I wasn't accepted for some reason. But I had my interview today and they said I would be getting registration instructions in the mail in about a week so I'm going to assume I'm good to go. I will start classes in June and go to school full-time (7:30am-5:30pm every day) all summer long, then start teaching in the fall (for my internship). SO....
One of the requirements of the program was to get 20 hours of classroom observation in before April 25th (the day after we had to be out of our townhouse). I wasn't aware of that due date until 2 weeks before (the week we were all home sick with the flu!).... I thought I had until classes began to get them done. Since I was working full-time and getting my hours in before we had to move would have been impossible, the kind people at Tarleton gave me a week's extension to today.
OK, now that I've set that all up, let me give you an idea of what we have done this week while visiting my parents in Michigan:
MondayBrian and I spent the day in Saginaw. I observed about 4 hours of classes and then we spent some time at the mall and went out to eat. Grandma and Grandpa babysat Chase (hey, they volunteered)!
TuesdayI drove up to Interlochen and observed classes there all day, then stayed the night. Brian drove back to Chicago for a meeting at his school and his LAST CLASS the next day. Grandma and Grandpa babysat Chase.
WednesdayI spent another full day at Interlochen and drove home that night. Brian was in Chicago all day for his class that evening. Grandma and Grandpa babysat Chase until Grandma had to go to her musical rehearsal, then Aunt Kiersten and Cousin Kailey took over until I got home.
ThursdayI went back to Saginaw to observe their morning class. Immediately after the class got out I hopped in the car and drove to Flint to catch a flight to Texas. I got in last night and rushed over to take pictures of our ever-evolving new house before the sun went down! I then stayed up ALL NIGHT LONG (til 3:30am) putting my classroom observation journal together to hand in at my interview today. Brian drove back from Chicago and got there late that afternoon to relieve the grandparents. Are you tallying up the babysitting bill?
FridayThat brings us to today. I got up this morning, did my interview, and hopped in the car to drive back to the airport, which is where I sit now, just waiting for my flight and the chance to lay my head against the plane window and SLEEP my way "home." Brian and Chase are there waiting for me.
TOMORROW WE CAN BREATHE AGAIN (for a little bit, anyway).... Next week we get a little crazy again while I spend a few days in Chicago with my friend Nicole and her baby, while Brian and Chase will continue on to St. Louis (Grandma and Grandpa W's). Then Brian will fly to Pittsburgh for a wedding he is in there and we'll all meet up again
next Saturday in St. Louis. After that we
should have more "down time" before we move down to Texas... but we won't hold our breath.