It was such a beautiful day. The wedding came together perfectly, which is so fitting since Amanda is the essence of perfection! I was so honored to stand by her side today. Amanda and I have been great friends since college. We've been through a lot together and I am so thrilled she and her beautiful daughter Kathleen found Mr. Right to complete their family. Congratulations, Chris and Amanda! The photos I took are in our Photo Album if you want to check them out.
In Amanda's honor I will tell our favorite story. Ready? Here goes.
The summer Amanda was pregnant with Kathleen her car battery died just a few blocks away from where I worked. She stopped into my office and asked if I knew of any guy in the office who could give her a jump. I was in one of those proud "We don't need a man!" modes, so I said I would help her. I pulled my car up to hers and we opened the hoods. We hooked the jumper cables up to my battery just fine but her battery was so old it was corroded and we couldn't tell which was side was positive and which was negative. So what did we do? We guessed.
Never guess.
We hooked it up and a little spark flew up, followed by a tiny sizzle of smoke. Amanda was like, "Ummmm.... Christine?" I said, running to my car, "It's fine.... Just get in your car and I'll hit the gas!"
Never listen to me.
Before we knew it there was smoke EVERYWHERE. We ran out of our cars and the plastic was literally melting off the jumper cables... including the handles (so we couldn't unhook them from the batteries)! In a panic I started running around the neighborhood knocking on doors and screaming for help. Amanda totally kept her cool (that is SO Amanda... and SO not me!). Finally the smoke died down once we turned our cars off and we were able to pry the cables off the batteries with some old rags once they cooled down. We then realized the cables had actually burned into the side of my car (that was fun to explain when I traded it in for a new one a few years later)!
*sigh* OK, fine, I'll admit it.... We needed a man.
The pics were beautiful and I'm glad you had such a great time! your story is hilarious too! I've only ran out of gas twice...and each time I was with my friend Amanda! We all have a friend that we end up in crazy situations like that!
I remember this story well:). It's funny now, but not so funny then. A man? I will say that though Dad may have known what to do, I know several other men who would not have had a clue. Enough said:).
Just for clarification purposes, I have jump started my car as well as many others without melting anything.
It's great when you have friends you share history with. A friend (from gradeschool) and I stood up in each others weddings back in 1998/1999 and recently went skydiving together.
Feel free to pop by and say hello.
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