Monday, August 25, 2008

I Survived!

Today was the first day of school (for students)! I am happy to report I survived. Overall it went very well. PHEW!

I am pooped. This is going to be the longest year of my life! But I am very excited about it.

My brain isn't alive enough to think of anything else to say tonight. More another time!

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Last post for the day. Grandpa gave Chase his first "Kool-Aid" (actually Crystal Light) mustache tonight and he had fun showing it off. That photo was just too cute not to share.

I also just had to share this incredibly sweet video....

That about sums up what grandparents and grandkids are all about....

San Antonio Weekend

We spent the weekend in San Antonio. It was HOT. I mean, REALLY hot. We went to the Alamo and explored the river walk and both of those places were absolutely gorgeous. We were all blown away. SO beautiful. Here's a photo of us at the Alamo:

After the Alamo we rode around on a river taxi to explore the river walk. Chase and Grandpa W had a great time playing on the boat! Here's a photo of them (Grandpa stole Chase's hat):

I will post photos of all our adventures with Grandpa W in our Photo Album soon!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Exploring Waco

Grandpa W is here visiting for a couple weeks so we are taking this opportunity to explore the area with him. Today we headed to Waco. The first stop was the Dr. Pepper museum:

Chase did a lot of "exploring" there (that's what I'm calling the insane chasing game we play every time we put him down these days) and afterwards we all sat down for Dr. Pepper floats and shakes. Yummmmm....

The next stop was supposed to be a park with fountains for Chase to actually play in, but when we got there it was dry. Bummer! So we moved on to stop #3.... Baylor University's bear habitat:

None of us could believe the amount of running Chase did there. It was HOT! We were all so miserable but he just kept going! We took turns chasing... I mean, exploring with him:

We also witnessed a bear who either got stuck trying to climb into a hideaway or just had a really nasty itch:

On the way home we had to stop at Walgreens and while we were there I tested out a pair of sunglasses on Chase (I can't find his old pair). He LOVED them and ran around the entire store clinging to his bath wash and wearing his sunglasses with the plastic packaging still attached! I have no idea how he could see but not only could he miraculously maneuver around the aisles with amazing speed, he stopped at one point to read a book!

MAN that boy can make me laugh!!

Friday, August 8, 2008


Today was my last day of classes for the summer. For the past two weeks I have been a part of a summer program where I taught a group of 8 kids with a team of 4 other teachers. Today those 8 kids did a final theatre performance of the things they learned in those 2 weeks. It was a lot of work, but they did a FANTASTIC job performing for their family and friends today and I am so proud of them.

Monday I start my new job at the school! Wish me luck (or break a leg)!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Wanna See Something Scary?

No, that isn't Chase in a dress. It's ME!

When Chase was born he was the spitting image of Brian when he was a baby. Lately people have commented that he looks like his mama, so I pulled out some old albums and the pictures of me at his age are amazingly similar! Here are a couple more. Crazy how he morphed from looking like Brian to looking like me!

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