Brian and I went to the grocery store today and bought some grapes. Scratch that.... We bought some
mutant grapes:

Oh, I'm sorry.... You probably need something else in the photo for scale. Here it is with its friend, the adorably average red grape:

Still not doing it for you? Insert my freakishly long thumb:

You actually have to take
bites of these grapes. You can't just pop them into your mouth. It takes like three chomps!
Yes, I'm blogging about grapes. But to be honest, they kind of freak me out! They can't be healthy.... I'm sure they're pumped with steroids or something.
P.S. This is my third post of the day. Check out my previous two posts if you haven't already!
I bought huge grapes like this last month -- and they were organic so I know the size wasn't due to steroids. I don't usually cut Jack's grapes, but I found that even quartering these things STILL made them larger than a normal grape. Odd.
I know what you mean...lately I've noticed the huge green grapes, as well. I must be the organic growing...that's my story and I'm sticking to it:).
Organic?? I think they are genetically engineered!
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