When I got home I went to use the restroom and noticed a Valentine's card sitting on top of Brian's reading material:

I thought it was a little weird to have blackout dates, but I didn't care. I was going to VEGAS, BABY! Woo hoo! I could barely contain my excitement.
Then I noticed the open magazine under it, with the ad: "Only Vegas: Spas for her. Sports for you."
I walked out and confronted Brian. "You can't leave an advertisement like this laying around! Do you know how crushed I am right now?!? I thought we were going to Vegas!" He just started laughing and confessed...
He had put it there on purpose.
Yes, just to mess with me.
Is that love, or what?
P.S. I just posted a pregnancy update also, if you're interested (see previous post).
wow!!! that's an amazing gift!!! lucky you!!!! enjoy!!
Ha ha ha ha! I wish! It was just a magazine ad. :(
Cruel! Here I was all ready to be jealous.
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