Friday, April 16, 2010

Green Thumb

Chase loves to help Daddy with his yardwork/gardening. He was fascinated with the plants he bought for our front porch and just had to help!

First we had to get the old dirt out of the planters:

Then we put the plant in:

Unfortunately some dirt fell onto the front porch and Chase had to point out that we were making a mess and needed to clean it up (he's so anal!):

Finally, we finished the job by filling the planter with new dirt!

"Did I do good, Daddy?"

More photos coming soon to our Photo Album!

1 comment:

Sandy K. said...

It is so cool you have him help you do things around the house and yard. He'll get used to being part of the family, and help share duties. I can see that he may be better at cleaning than some kids!:)

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