Brian, Chase and I had a 3D ultrasound done on "Baby Two" this weekend, and got confirmation that Chase is definitely getting a little sister. Now I can paint with confidence! It was a pretty cool experience. Chase was a bit high maintenance, which made it hard for Brian to be able to enjoy the experience, as he was constantly entertaining him. But we walked out with a CD of pictures and a DVD of the whole thing, so we will have another screening at home... probably when Chase goes down for a nap!
Chase, when he was paying attention, thought it was pretty cool. He was not a fan of the blue goop they put on my belly, however. He climbed up in the bed with me for a little while... until he got a bit of goo on his arm and quickly decided that was not the spot for him.
Here are a couple photos of our little girl. She was squished up against my belly, which made it hard for them to get a good picture.
Sucking on her fingers:

A big yawn:

Sleeping peacefully:

More 3D photos are on their way to our
Photo Album if you're interested!
I just had some of those done too, during my last ultrasound - and same thing, too smooshed to get too clear, but enough to get the gist. Kinda creepy in a way! haha.
Clock is ticking, can you believe it's almost summer? I need to get the crib back up! Yipes!
Congrats again on a girl!! I'll tell you this - they are DEFINITELY a LOT different from boys! haha! Sarah and Jacob are alike in a lot of ways...but they are VERY much different in many ways!!! haha!!
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