Sunday, September 26, 2010

Lazy Sunday

Today we had a "hang around the house in your PJ's" kind of day. Chloe was the only one not in her jammies again! It was a beautiful day and we were able to turn off the A/C and open our windows to get some fresh air.

We pulled out the Bumbo chair for Chloe today and she really likes it! She was fixated on the football game and I had flashbacks.

We went outside this morning for a bit and found the biggest, scariest looking spider I think I have ever seen, hanging right beside our back porch:

We looked it up and it isn't deadly, thank goodness, and it also eats bees. We have been having big wasp issues up until recently (Hmmmm...) so we're letting him stay.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Chase's Art Project

Chase was especially proud of the art project he made at daycare today. I asked him if he wanted me to put a picture of it on the computer for everyone to see and he said, "No, let's take a video." So here it is!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Cultural Arts Festival

This Sunday we went to Waco's Cultural Arts Festival.  We went last year and it was a really good time with lots of projects for Chase to do.  This year he painted a rock...

...and went fishing:

He had to trade the fish in for a sticker and he was not happy about the whole "catch and release" concept, but we managed.  Anyway, he also got to play with blocks:

I carried Chloe around in the Baby Bjorn (love that thing!), but it was HOT (90 degrees).  I spent the day hopping from shady spot to shady spot to keep her out of the sun.  We took a break from it all to watch Chase play with blocks:

Afterwards Super Dad decided he would take over:

He felt like he had officially lost his man card, but I thought he looked pretty cute!

More photos coming soon to our Photo Album if you're interested!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Conversations with a 3-Year-Old: Songwriter in the Making

Chase sang a very entertaining song in the car today:

I like the beans,
I like the beans,
I like the beans,
I like the beans!
(Repeat about a million times.  Then...)

I like the beads,
I like the beads,
I like the beads,
I like the beads!
(Repeat about a million times.  Then...)

I like the seeds,
I like the seeds,
I like the seeds,
I like the seeds!
(Repeat about a million times.  Now time for the chorus!)

Did you ever see a fish kissing a pool
down by the bay?

I like the seeds,
I like the seeds...
(You get the idea... Now another variation of the chorus!)

Did you ever see a fish poking a basketball
down by the bay?

I really think he has a future in this.  We're gonna be rich!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Bouncer Fun

Chloe has figured out that if she kicks her feet she can make her bouncer toys move. The bouncer is now a fun place for her to be! Here's a little snippet of her having some fun.  This is a pretty tame version of her kicks, but her smiles are priceless!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

First Tooth?!?

Last weekend I noticed Chloe was drooling a lot, and she hadn't been sleeping or eating as well as she normally does.  So Monday I decided to stick my finger in her mouth on a whim, and lo and behold... she has part of a tooth poking out in there!  It's in a bizarre place (poking out of the side of her gum, on the bottom right side of her mouth vs. the front), so I'm keeping my eye on it.  I really hope she doesn't inherit my brace face!  Ha ha!  Anyway, isn't that crazy?  A tooth at 2 months?!?  We'll keep you posted!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Conversations with a 3-Year-Old: Pretty in Pink

I realized the other day that Chloe has some adorable dresses hanging in her closet that she hasn't worn.  On a day-to-day basis we stick with the more practical onesies, but she is getting bigger every day and it won't be long before she can't fit into those 0-3 month sized dresses in the closet!  So yesterday I decided to put her in one and she looked totally adorable.

Chase wandered into her room and I said, "Chase, look at Chloe's dress!"  He ran over and his eyes got really wide as he said, in awe:

"Mommy, she looks like a princess!"

It was just about the sweetest thing I have ever heard him say and my eyes totally welled up with tears.  What a sweet big brother he is!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

BFF Visit

This weekend my amazing friend Nicole came down to Texas to visit.  She got to meet Chloe and see how much Chase has grown.  She helped out with Chloe and one night even stayed up with her all night long (what a saint)!  Of course while she was here we had to re-live the good ol' days and do some damage at DSW:

I tried to convince her to buy this hat (I mean, how adorable is she in this hat?!?) but I was unsuccessful:

Other than that we ate out a few times, saw a movie ("The Switch") and hung out in our PJ's.  Good times!  We laughed a ton and it was SO hard to drop her off at the airport today.  My eyes are tearing up right now just thinking about it.  *insert eye fanning here*  I miss you, Nicole!  I honestly don't know what I would do without you in my life....  *HUG*

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