We had a heck of a morning. Last night when I went to bed I turned my alarm off because I was sure the next morning (today) was Saturday. The kids started stirring around 6:15 and I cursed them for getting up so early on a Saturday. Chase came in saying he was hungry and I sent him to get poptarts so I could sleep longer. Then Chloe got up around 6:45 and I thought, "Ugh, fine. I guess I'll get up." On my way to go get her it hit me that it was Friday!
I usually leave my house before 7am to get to work on time.
I FREAKED. I started barking orders. "Chase, clothes! Teeth! Shoes! Now!" I got Chloe dressed and shoved a bottle in her mouth while I attempted to wet down the parts of my hair that were sticking straight up and do something with my face. At 7:15 we were ready to go (I know, I am impressed with myself, too). As I was buckling Chloe up in her car seat inside, I caught a glimpse of something strange out the front window.
Crap, I wore heels. No time! Chase was PSYCHED. I got them all in the car and started out of the driveway when I realized my neighbor's car was in the driveway... and she's a teacher. Hmmmmm....
I turned the radio on and they mentioned there were a lot of school closings but didn't list them all, and my district really doesn't like to close unless it's absolutely necessary so I still wasn't convinced it was us. So I drove to daycare just in case. I didn't get very far out of my neighborhood before it became clear that NO ONE was out. You couldn't see the lanes in the road through the snow, and there were hardly any cars around. I drove to daycare and it was dark. So I got on my phone in the parking lot to check our website and saw that school was closed.
At this point Chase was beside himself with excitement and kept talking about playing in the snow, building snowmen, etc. But I had no gloves, so since we were out already we went to Wal-Mart. Wa-Mart had no gloves. The best I could get were workman gloves. Better than nothing!
Note to self: In the future, stock up on cold weather essentials from up north. It's been so unseasonally cold with this crazy winter storm sweeping across the nation that the other day my front door lock froze. I had no idea how I was going to get in my house, after shopping ALL OVER TOWN for de-icer and finding nothing. Thank goodness for a hot cup of water from McDonald's and a spray bottle (except that it just re-froze afterwards). Anyway, I digress.
We invited Daddy over to play in the snow. There wasn't enough to build a snowman and it was too powdery for snowballs, so we all just threw it around for as long as we could stand the cold.
How DID I ever live up north? I'm such a wuss about the cold now.
Anyway, Chase had a lot of fun playing with the snow on the slide. I only managed to get a couple of pics before my camera battery died. Enjoy!
How fabulous. At least he didn't have a fit that there wasn't going to be a snowman!
oh! I hate mornings when you wake up late...and then all that rush and panic to find out its a snow day? Too bad you didn't know that BEFORE you rushed around! Glad Chase had fun though!
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