Then I tried to get Chase to hold her back but that didn't even work!
They did have a fun time playing afterwards:
Here is a little look at what my drama king does to entertain his baby sister:
He is like this constantly with her (which can be exhausting!). She is usually much more entertained and laughs hysterically at him. He is her walking one-man show and no one can make her laugh like he can. Today she was not really in the mood, but the show was entertaining to me!
I love this next photo because it shows off her amazing Michelin Man arms!
Chloe pulls up all the time and has stood on her own several times. She babbles "Mama" and "Dada." Daycare says she says "Night night," but I've never heard it. Chase is obsessed with counting Chloe's words. Every time she babbles something he's convinced it's a word and he's keeping count. According to Chase, she is up to 16 words! He congratulates her all the time for learning new words. It's quite hilarious to hear what he thinks she's saying. "Mom! She just said 'sidewalk!'"
Her laugh is still priceless:
More photos of our fun around the house today are coming soon to our Photo Album!