Today Brian joined us for the city Easter egg hunt. It was sheer madness:
By the time we got in the gate most of the eggs were gone, so Chase ran around finding egg halves that other kids left behind. He loved every minute of it, though:
It was a great excuse to get Chloe dressed up, too. I have had this dress since Chloe was born, practically (she got it as a gift from my dear friend Katie) and I just couldn't WAIT until she fit into it and I had a good reason to dress her up (and of course I had to buy shoes to match)!
I sat her down in the grass while Brian and Chase searched for egg halves and these pictures pretty much sum up what she thought about THAT!
Afterward Brian secretly filled some of the eggs with some Skittles he bought at the concession stand since he didn't get any eggs with stuff in them!
Chase was really excited to have Daddy there. We all had a nice time together.
When we got home I had to take some more photos of Chloe in her dress and shoes with her little pigtails in. Having a girl to dress up is so much fun!
The Easter Bunny comes tonight!!
All the pictures I took today are in our Photo Album if you're interested.
Chloe looks so adorable! Love those lil pigtails!
We had a couple egg hunt fails here this year, too! Glad Chase still had fun. :-)
Siri had that dress! (it was size 6 mo, so she has since outgrown it)...needless to say she didn't have the matching shoes :)
your kiddos are really adorable!
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