So he sat down with his crayons and paper to make a Mother's Day card for my mom, and what I thought was going to be a 15 minute deal turned into almost an hour. Now that he actually draws stuff versus just scribble it's interesting to watch him get creative. But sometimes creativity needs a little translation:
Apparently that's a music note.
If that's what was placed on my music stand my first day of 5th grade band I would have quit music forever.
(I have a much better joke, but if I post it my mom will have a heart attack.)
ANYWAY.... It's the placement that really kills me:
Happy Mother's Day, Mom!
P.S. This is my second post of the day. Click the previous post to hear about my Mother's Day gift!
1 comment:
I have been entirely too busy lately, so have just finished catching up on the string of posts - which are all fabulous, of course:). Your children are adorable, Ma'am ***wink***! Love ya!
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