I'll start with Chloe. She is now eating "people food" and LOVES it. She rarely turns anything away. Her favorite foods are yogurt and Cheerios (if they are anywhere around her she will beg for them), but she loves just about everything else I give her, too. We experiment with the spoon sometimes and she has lots of fun with that, too:
Chase also LOVES to feed her. He wants to share all his food with her (and she doesn't mind)! It's so cute:
She took her first steps a couple weeks ago, on her 13 month "birthday" (July 30th). She hasn't done a lot of venturing out on her own since then, but she'll take a couple steps here and there if you prompt her. She says "Uh, oh," "Night Night" (occasionally), "Mama" and "Dada," and she's working on "All done." "Uh oh" is by far my favorite!
Chase has been enjoying daycare and had lots of fun during "Pirate Week!"
Today he got a wonderful surprise. Grandma made him an amazing quilt and pillowcase set. I cried when I got it, and Chase loved it, too!
Both kids took swim lessons this summer. I had a video to show you but for some reason it doesn't play all the way through. It must be corrupt or something. Bummer! Chloe LOVES the water. Chase took awhile to get comfortable, but by the end he was almost swimming on his own!
I feel like I've been all over the place this summer. Besides the trips to New York and Idaho I blogged about, I spent several weekends in Houston visiting my dear friend Katie (before she moved to San Antonio), saw friends Don and Julie in Austin, went to a Theatre Educators conference in Waco, and saw my aunt and uncle in San Antonio (while I was there helping Katie move)! When I wasn't traveling I spent quality time with new friends and took up running (well, training to become a runner... we'll see how that goes)! It's been a great summer, but now it's time to get back to the "real world." I go back to school Monday! I'm ready.
1 comment:
You've been a busy girl...which was your goal. Now back to work, which you seem ready for. And live goes on:). Your babies are fabulous, by the way. Enjoy every minute!
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