Chase obviously chose his costume, and he also chose Chloe's to match. I am proud to say that BOTH of our kids won the best costume awards in their classes this year! That's twice in a row for Chase (SCORE)! Yes, I'm proud. Anyway, I present to you... Mario and Princess Peach!
(I posted both of those pictures to show how impossible it is to get both of them smiling at the same time! When one is happy, the other is either unhappy or making a crazy face. Ah, well.)
Then we attempted one with me! Chloe would not stay still, and Chase just watched our struggle, apparently enjoying the show:
(He looks like a little farmer! Ha ha!)
We took a ton of photos, hoping to get just one decent one. This is the last one we took, which is a pretty good reflection of how we were laughing at the pure insanity of the wiggle worm situation:
Chloe had a great time playing with the pumpkins on the porch, and decided Chase's jack-o-lantern was a chair! Chase was not a fan of that idea ("No, Chloe! You're going to squash it!!").
More photos are in our Photo Album if you're interested. Happy Halloween!
What great costumes! Very cute! I love trying to get the kids' costumes to go together for a theme! Its harder to do now that J&S are more opinionated with their own interests....but at least I can still keep the boys together! ha!
This year Adam was Thomas and Jacob was Sir Topham Hatt while Sarah did her own thing as a Flower Girl...BUT...when you took Adam out of the picture and put J next to Sarah, everyone thought they were a bride and groom! ha!
They're fabulous:). LOVE you all!
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