You know my new years resolution to "Make it happen?" That includes getting a firmer grip on my finances so I don't have to stress every month. So I got this fun and FREE idea from a friend: I took the kids on a scavenger hunt throughout the mall. We had to find certain things and take pictures with them.
At the beginning of the excursion Chase was convinced this was going to be booorrriiiinnngg (heaven forbid we turn off the XBOX!)... which may be the reason he cropped me out of the first couple of pictures! I'm just going to share a few of my favorites, but if you want to see them all (they are super fun!), they are in our family Photo Album.
"Take a picture with a small animal:"
Yes, they actually got me to pose with birds.
I hate birds.
"Walk through the mall holding hands:"
"Take a picture in a mirror:"
The lovely smudge over my eye was Chase's doing.
"Cover yourself in bling," combined with "Wear large sunglasses:"
That photo makes me laugh. Chase's expression is priceless!
And lastly, "Hide in a clothing rack:"
(Chloe did a much better job of hiding!)
It was a fun time. It ended up costing me about $7.00 for a snack in the food court (our "prize") but that's it! Can't beat it! I was thinking it would have made a fun play date, if I had thought to invite other parents with their kids.... We could have had a race and prizes at the end! Maybe next time.