For Chase's Birthday experience this year I signed us up for the Color Fun Fest 5K, since he has really enjoyed running with me. We "trained" over Christmas break a little (not as much as I had hoped because it was cold and we were apart for a whole week).
He was so cute. He was actually nervous about the race as we were driving there! But once we got there he was fine.
At the pre-race "party" we got covered in color, and Chase had a great time throwing his color packet on me!
We were even captured by the Color Fun Fest photographer and appeared on their Facebook page!
Afterwards we headed to the starting line!
He was such a trooper! We only stopped to walk a few times, and every time I suggested we start running again he was right there ready to go. Once you could see the finish line in the distance I said, "OK, Chase.... We are going to run all the way to the finish line now without stopping." He looked at me, kind of skeptical, but I assured him we could do it. So we started running, and after a little while he started going, "I don't know, Mom... I'm getting tired." I kept encouraging him (and myself... who are we kidding? I wanted to die, too!) and once we got closer he was like, "Mom! I think we're gonna do it! We're gonna make it!" And we did. He was so excited to cross that finish line. I asked someone there to take our picture and when I saw it afterward my heart was so full of joy. I mean, look at that genuine excitement over what he just accomplished:
It was such a cool experience. It was my first 5K, too, and I was so proud that I got to do that with him. I love my boy!
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