My 20-Year High School Reunion was over Highland Festival (Memorial Day) weekend, so I got to fly home to Michigan to see friends and family! It was a fantastic weekend. The kids were not happy with me for not taking them to see Grandma and Grandpa, but it was a quick trip that went by way too fast!
I planned the reunion, so I had to spend a little time getting things together for the party:
But I didn't get too "swept away" in that (hardy har-har), so I was able to spend time catching up with friends at the parade...
...and reminiscing when we parked in front of the house I grew up in:
I got to spend some time with my step-brother Kory on a mini-hike...
...where I let my rebellious side out:
My parents took me to one of our staple ice cream places growing up...
...and I ate at our favorite Pizza Sam's a couple times over the course of the weekend (though we were too busy stuffing our faces to take pictures of that)!
And, of course, we had our reunion. It was so amazing getting to spend time with my good friends again. It had been way too long since we had all gotten together!
I spent a lot of time with Katie, who of course lives down here in Texas... so it was funny we both flew up to Michigan to hang out!
Lastly, we all went to the Highland Dance competition at the festival. My childhood BFF Holly and I used to compete in it every year, and this year we got to cheer Holly's daughter on! Here's a photo of Holly photographing her daughter. It was very cool to sit on the other side of where we were about 25 years ago. (Man, are we really that old??)
We must have been good luck charms because she walked away with 4 medals and a trophy! Woot woot!
It was a really fun weekend full of memories and laughter. I really should not wait another 10 years to do it again....