Friday, May 29, 2015

Chloe's Pre-K Graduation

Chloe graduated from Pre-K, and it was a really big deal.  She got a cap and gown and everything!  I'll admit I was a little like, "Really?  For Pre-K?"  But when I saw her I got all mushy inside:

(I mean, come on....  How can you resist that??)

She was slightly excited:

The flowers are from her dad, so I can't take credit there.  He couldn't make it so he sent flowers to the school and she got lots of attention for it.  Very sweet.

Of course her brother was very supportive of her on her big day:

When all the kids received their diplomas they were asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up?"  Chloe's answer: "A horse rider."  Awww....  She does love her horses!

Afterwards they had a big potluck reception where we took our obligatory crazy family selfie:

I can't believe my baby is going to be a Kindergartener!  Such big kids I have now!  Craziness!

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