...and did a little 2-stepping at the neighborhood country western bar:
To introduce her properly to Austin, we did a little graffiti-ing:
(That picture should totally be in a RUST-OLEUM advertisement!)
And then we went on a segway tour around Austin!
We tried to see the bats, but it had rained that day and apparently they are only fair-weathered friends. Boo!
When we got home we were inspire to get ready for the NKOTB concert the next day! So we stayed up til 3am watching their old videos (yes, I had to bust out the VCR)!
The night may or may not have ended in several feeble attempts to breakdance on the living room floor like Danny Wood. Ahem.
Before the concert the next day we explored the west side of Austin with all the beautiful hills (and homes!):
And we particularly liked this creative map of the US at The Oasis:
Later that night it was time for........................ NKOTB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know Joey was singing only to me!
It was such a great weekend. At the end of it I felt like singing Joey's "Please Don't Go Girl!" to Nicole! Luckily her plane was delayed and we had time to get dinner and go out for coffee.
In true Nicole form, she was disappointed in her drink. Until she realized it said "Luis." Whoops.
Love you, Nicole!!!!
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