We had our level 2 ultrasound yesterday. While I didn't make all the details of the reason for our 2nd ultrasound very public on this site to begin with, I thought I'd give an update. One of the reasons we had to have a 2nd ultrasound is because they thought they saw something in the right atrium of the baby's heart which wasn't quite right. Brian and I were concerned because, as many of you probably already know, Brian was born with a hole in his heart that they discovered his senior year of high school which had to be repaired via open heart surgery. So we were nervous going into the appointment, but we are happy to report today that our baby's heart (along with the rest of him) is completely normal and healthy. Yay! And we also got confirmation that it is DEFINITELY a boy.
(For all ultrasound photos, click here.)
(For all ultrasound photos, click here.)
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