Wednesday, August 2, 2006

Pregnancy Update (19 wks)

We had our ultrasound this morning and it looks like we're having a boy! We are having a 2nd ultrasound done by a specialist in the next couple weeks because our son is apparently a gymnast and managed to put himself in a position (feet over his head) that made it difficult for the technician to get a good look at everything they needed to see. We'll let you know if we find out anything different at that ultrasound, but the technician said she was 95% sure it's a boy!

A couple fun things we saw: #1, the baby looked like he was scratching his back (and for those of you who know Brian well, this is PROOF he is definitely his father's son!). #2, we got an ultrasound photo of him sticking his tongue out at us (already a little brat... proof he is definitely his mother's son, too)!

They also changed our due date back to Christmas Eve based on the baby's size (I knew it all along)!

Stats: He weighed about 11oz and his hearbeat was 159 beats per minute.

(For all ultrasound photos, click here.)

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