Thursday, April 26, 2007

Appalling Idol

So after they announced Jordin was going home last night on American Idol I stopped watching... but I guess I shouldn't have because Brian learned on Yahoo! today that after they told Jordin she was going home they announced that after their big feel-good charity night they weren't going to send anyone home... that they will vote 2 people off next week.

I am appalled. How incredibly tacky. The poor girl was in tears last night thinking she was going home. If they wanted to do a feel-good, kick-nobody-off episode, they should have gotten to the last 2 and said, "both of you are safe, no one's going home this week." I am livid they toyed with that poor girl's emotions like that.

I am speechless once again! My blood is just boiling!


Brian and Becky said...

Yeah - I don't like that either. I mean, because that means it will be all based on next week's performance, as opposed to one for each.

As Simon says "so cabaret, I feel like I am listening to a lounge singer!! kinda tacky"

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure they're gonna add this weeks votes to next weeks votes, so I'll be based on both weeks performances, but I do feel bad for Jordin, poor girl.

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