Since Brian had to go to Columbus for a conference this weekend Chase and I decided to take a little road trip ourselves to Grandma & Grandpa K's house! On the way there we made a pit stop in Grand Rapids to see
Brian, Becky and Isaac. Brian and Becky had not met Chase before Friday, and Chase and Isaac had never met each other! They had so much fun playing together (a.k.a. wrestling!) and it was really nice to be able to hang out with adults while the kids entertained themselves (pretty much)!

From there we headed to Alma, where we attended Alma College's homecoming parade! We bundled Chase up tight (it was SO cold!) and he enjoyed the parade up until the end when all the fire trucks came through, blaring their horns and sirens. That didn't go over too well!

We then went up to Mt. Pleasant to see Uncle Kory, Aunt Nicole, cousin Emma and brand-new cousin Addison!

Chase had a lot of fun playing with Emma as she tried to teach him not to put everything in his mouth (a wasted effort, obviously)!

Sunday we went to church with Grandma and I got to see my dear friend Krista and her sweet little girl, Ella, again! Krista told me in the middle of the service that she is expecting baby #2 (due in June), and I cursed her for telling me during church where I couldn't scream!! Chase spent the service in the daycare downstairs where he had lots of fun playing with the other kids. Afterwards we met up with Grandpa at the good ol' Main Cafe before hitting the road.

Chase normally does really well in the car, but about 25 miles from home he had decided he'd had ENOUGH of our road trip. I was only a few miles from work when he started wailing in the back seat, so we stopped at my office to stretch our legs and move around a bit. I have a window full of slobbery baby handprints staring me in the face today as a reminder of our fun at the office yesterday.

Photos of our weekend are now in our
Photo Album. Enjoy!