Believe it or not, that was an original composition. Impressive, huh?! ;)
Monday, April 28, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Cool Dude!
My mom and I went shopping yesterday and while we were in Target I saw these neat sunglasses for kids that wrap around their heads and Velcro in the back. We hadn’t gotten Chase sunglasses before because we were sure he would just yank them off and throw them (throwing IS his favorite pastime, after all), but when I saw the Velcro glasses I thought they might be a good solution to that anticipated problem. So I tried a pair on him, expecting him to hate it. He LOVED them. He got mad when I took them off. So he wore them all over Target, just smiling at people like a big goofball. A couple of big, burly guys walked by at one point and said, “Is that his Harley parked out front?” Ha ha! Chase was so proud of his new shades!
The picture posted here I took with my cell phone so I apologize for the poor quality. My mom took some better photos with her digital camera, so as soon as I get them from her I’ll replace this photo with a better one.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Step 1 Complete!
Step 1: Move out of our townhouse in Chicago
Step 2: Move in with my parents for a bit
Step 3: Move in with Brian's parents for a bit
Step 4: Move into temporary housing in Texas (for a bit)
There are mini-steps thrown in there (like a couple out-of-state weddings we are in next month, jobs/school to start, etc.), but those are the 5 biggies as far as moving goes.
Yesterday we accomplished Step 1. Woo hoo! We are 20% of the way there!! Chase stayed with my parents all week while Brian and I packed up and moved out. We are now in the midst of Step 2 (until May 5th). If we can keep our focus on the steps maybe it won't seem like such an insurmountable task. HA!
Brian would like me to add that Step 1 was probably the hardest step (*knock on wood*) and I have to agree. It felt really good to finally see an empty townhouse after all the hours we put into packing and all that jazz this week. Ahhhhhhhhh....
But of course there's the sentimental part that I wasn't really expecting.... Seeing Chase's empty room that we decorated just for him (complete with the wall mural I painted myself), the beautiful floors we both put in ourselves.... It was our first house and it holds a lot of memories. It will be nice to move into our new place that we're so excited about, but I think 1824 Bridle Post will always have a special place in our hearts.
Goodbye Carly

I was surprised to see Carly go home so soon. In my opinion she was the best female singer in the competition, hands down. But she lacked a little of the "likeability factor" and I think Simon was right on when he said a few weeks back that she needed to work with the stylist more. Maybe that's what killed her. That and she always looked angry/serious when she sang. But I have no doubt she'll go on to perform in some capacity after this show.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
New House Update
We move out of our townhouse here Thursday. That means 2 months living out of suitcases. Lovely.
Can you buy sanity at Wal-Mart? I think we're going to need a couple crates of it.
Friday, April 18, 2008
Goodbye Kristy Lee

Welcome to the World, Conor Warren!
Bart took a picture of Conor and me at the hospital yesterday, so whenever he gets around to sending it to me I'll post it here.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Goodbye Michael

Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Bit by the Flu Bug
I'm off to bed....
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Fun Weekend in Raleigh!

Well, not really. But at least we know their names now.
Friday, April 4, 2008
Goodbye Ramiele

Our Blog Has Moved!
Check us out at !
DISCLAIMER: Texas is a huge state. We are very well aware not all areas here are the same. These are just a few things we have learned about...
Well, it's official. Brian is now "Dr. Brian." This post is a bit delayed due to our travel and all, but Brian walked through ...
Chase and I got back from Tampa yesterday. Brian had a conference scheduled there so we tacked a little family getaway onto the front of it....