We got all excited this morning when we got updated pictures of how our house is coming along in Texas, but then this afternoon we got some bad news. We thought the house would be done by the end of May, which was pretty good timing for us to start school (Brian teaching classes and me taking them) June 1st. But as it turns out, the house will not be done until the end of June.
We move out of our townhouse here Thursday. That means 2 months living out of suitcases. Lovely.
Can you buy sanity at Wal-Mart? I think we're going to need a couple crates of it.
The house is looking great but sorry to hear about the delay. Good luck in the mean time!
Where are you going to live while you are waiting?
bummer it is delayed...but...it looks like it is going to be a really beautiful house!
Christine, if anyone can handle this little "glitch" in the plans, it is you. I love the new house and just remember the best things in life are worth waiting for! As much as this is going to be a huge pain for you, it will be worth it in the end when you walk through the front door of your big, beautiful new home. Best of luck in finding sanity at Wal-Mart!!!!
I'm sure if I keep reading your blog I'll figure it out, but where in TX are you moving?
Harker Heights (about an hour north of Austin).
Ok, not too close to us then. That's a pretty area though! If you're ever in metro Houston, let me know.
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