Ever since that trip we took to Cedar Point when I was in middle school where a seagull pooped on my head I have had a hate/hate relationship with all birds. They freak me out. And of course everyone loves to mess with me about it, too. One summer when Brian and I were dating we went to the beach. There we were, laying out under the sun in the sand. I had my eyes closed, so every time I saw a shadow (seagull) pass overhead I would quickly cover my face. After about 10 minutes of laying there in peace (if you can call frantically covering my face every 15 seconds "peace"), listening to the waves crash on the shore (ahhhhh)... I heard a giggle.
Brian had been waving his hand over my face the entire time.
That's love.
ANYWAY.... My parents are avid bird watchers and shake their heads at me for not being a big fan, so this post is dedicated to them. This is a view out my back window....

Granted, it was Brian's idea, but I did OK it! I mean, Chase loves the birds and I have to admit after watching them... from INSIDE... they are pretty funny little things. But I don't think it will be too long before I ask him to move it a little further from the porch.
I always thought it was just me who hated birds! I think the seagull poop on my head when I was at a fair in middle school did it too. Not to mention that watching Hitchcock's "The Birds" in Mrs. Brown's English class didn't help...
Christine - I have to admit...it's pretty darn funny what Brian did! I actually got a pretty good chuckle.. =)
I always think of you when I see a seagull.
Ah yes..your own version of the Hitchcock film, "The Birds." This is fabulous...the bird feeder, that is. Yes, Chase likes birds so it's so wonderful of you to continue his early education. Here's the test...do you know what bird you have at your feeder?:)
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