Remember what I said about the spiders here? This guy was on my back porch. I wish I had been brave enough to put my hand next to it to give you an idea of the scale. I would bet his front legs were as long as my thumbs. If anyone knows anything about spiders, will you please assure me this one isn't a killer? Brian wouldn't kill it because "it was outside and we need spiders to kill other bugs."
I secretly think he was just too chicken.
(And yes, I am hoping that the fact I publicly called him "chicken" prompts him to prove his manhood and go out there and kill it.)
Ew! That thing is going to give me nightmares. One of my biggest fears is spiders and Kev's job is to kill them all for me. And he does so anytime I ask him to. I don't blame Brian if he was scared of that thing, though! YIKES!!
EEEKS! No thank you! We had a huge one that made some cool webs in our garden last year...Paul thought it was awesome...me? not so much!
Carry a crayon in your pocket, so that next time you want to take a picture of a spider we can get a good idea of the size from the crayon laying near it. That way you won't have to put your hand to close. Never mind the legs, I don't like it's body. Yuck!
I love Holly's comment about carrying a crayon with you for scale - being a mom, and a teacher, this shouldn't be a problem, should it? By the way, now you know how it feels to be a married to a man who thinks bugs have a purpose. Funny thing is, I've caught myself saving critters the last few years myself!
It's a Wolf Spider. Not poisonous at all, so I am going to have to agree with Brian. Just in case you feel as nerdy as me (or as bored), here is a link with pictures of Texas spiders...
Janet, you rock!!
Christine, I hope you zoomed in from a safe distance for that picture. I can't imagine getting that close to it. It's huge!!!
That's nothin'! I live along the river...I've got spiders roaming around here that are four-five-six times that size!!! Along with every other bug and critter you could imagine!
Get a blow torch and some napalm. All spiders jump and bite and should all die a slow a painful death. Scratch that, kill them as quickly as possible before they can get to you.
Once a wolf spider jumped on my boss' daughter and bit her. This leads me to believe they're too agressive to be deemed that helpful and should die. Just don't let it jump on you and bite you in the process of killing it. :D
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