Chase has another ear infection. But that's obviously not what makes today a beautiful day. What makes it beautiful is...
He told me so.
Yes, the day has finally come.... Our son can communicate well enough to let us know what hurts when he's crying. HALLELUIAH. We noticed him messing with his ear yesterday and whimpering a little bit. I asked him if it hurt but he just stared at me. This morning he woke up really early crying, so I went upstairs to get him and when I opened the door he was just up on all fours crying. I said, "Oh, honey.... What's wrong?" He stood up, grabbed his ear and said, "Ear hurts."
What a wonderful moment. Brian called the pediatrician the minute they opened and got him right in. Sure enough, he has another ear infection. Because he has had so many and Brian had a hard time with his ears when he was little, we have an appointment with the Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist next Friday. We'll let you know what they say!
In the meantime, I am just walking on air that my baby can tell me what's wrong when he's hurting now. I love this milestone!!