Tuesday, September 9, 2008

More Sprinkler Fun!

OK, so this post is a little late but I'm running behind in the camera download department (please forgive me)! I figured it had been awhile since I posted anything about Chase, and those of you who stalk our blog purely for Chase photos are probably getting stir crazy! So here are a couple photos for you of when he was keeping Daddy company while he watered the yard August 31st.

This first one shows off that great big belly of his!

And this one makes me laugh.... He's such a man:

And right before we decided to go inside he had a major #2 explosion in his too-small Lil' Swimmer diaper. Unsure of how to handle getting him inside in his sad state of affairs, we looked around to make sure no one was looking and just hosed him down in our front yard.

If that isn't class, I don't know what is!


Anonymous said...

AWESOME!!! I love it! Youz iz some classy folks! Hope all is well! Congrats on your job and making it through your first weeks!!! Can't wait to catch up!

Unknown said...

How funny! Such a boy!

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