With all the Superman hype going on yesterday I thought, "Wait a minute.... Didn't Grandma K buy you some Superman PJ's awhile back?" Yes, she did. They were way too big when she bought them but I put them away until he was big enough. I pulled them out and sure enough, they were size 2T. Here he is showing them off, with his new cheesy smile!

Chase is terrified of anything floating in the bathtub. I have to make sure there are no towel fuzzies left in the tub and make sure he doesn't have sock fuzzies between his toes before he gets in. If not... let the drama begin! He's in the bath and having a good time when all of a sudden he spots something floating toward him. He lets out a scream of sheer terror, jumps to his feet and starts clinging to me, trying to climb out of the tub. Getting him to calm down is NOT an easy task.
Half the time I can't even see what he is screaming about, it's so small. When I can find it I scoop it out and spend a lot of time showing him the fuzzy and letting him touch it, saying, "It's just a fuzzy. Fuzzies are our friends. We like fuzzies. They can't hurt you." Once he's face-to-face with the fuzzy he is OK, but when they start floating toward him it's the same thing all over again! And god forbid I don't see it and it's about to touch him! He tries to run around the tub as I try to get him to sit down. It is not a fun battle.
The first time he did it I will admit I laughed hysterically. I felt like such a bad mom because he was seriously TERRIFIED and I could not pull myself together. I could barely hold him I was laughing so hard.
So, anyway, when I put those Superman PJ's on after the bath last night I thought, "What a superhero!!" Ha ha!
OH, well. He'll always by my little hero, anyway.
Our two are IDing every boy and girl as each other and man and woman as Mommy and Daddy, too. SO cute!
Poor guy - afraid of fuzzies! Jacob's been pretty jumpy lately about little things too - God forbid he be alone in a room when the furnace kicks in or something like that!
IIIII LLLLLOOOOVVVVE SSSSMMMMAAAALLLLVVIILLLE! But I'm kinda mad that Lex isn't in it this season. I liked him a lot. But I'm okay because there is always the green arrow.
Fuzzies are our friends??? You are funny!
So, there was a fuzzy in the tub from Bodie's toes when I was giving him his bath this evening. I looked at it and just laughed and laughed. He looked at me like I was crazy. But wasn't scared of the fuzzy. Because: "fuzzies are our friends."
Too funny and too cute!!! I LOVE the cheesy smile!!!
I love, love, love that outfit! What a cutie!
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