As you can tell, she is not happy. Are you ready for the reason?
She is scared of the bear.
Ha ha! She did the same thing last month and I thought maybe it was just that she was tired, but sure enough, she did it again! I plopped her down, she looked behind her shoulder at the bear's face.... Complete meltdown. This is what immediately followed:
As she gets more mobile I have a feeling it's going to become much more difficult to get a good growth chart picture of her with the "scary bear!"
Anyway, she had her 9 month checkup this week. She is 22.6lbs (90th percentile) and 18.5" long (75th percentile). My little girl is a big girl!
I appreciate you having a big girl. It makes me feel a little better about my gigantic boys! Chubby babies are cuter anyway...
hmmmm...maybe you should get a growth chart bunny-rabbit? She's adorable, though. I love the picture of her looking back over her shoulder.
Really, 18.5" long? That seems odd that it would be 75th percentile. Kate was 22" at birth and I think that was like 80th percentile. I love the last picture though of her crawling away and looking over her shoulder to see if the bear is still there. Too funny!
Kelly, you are so right! Brian took her and that's the number he gave me but that is WRONG! Maybe 28.5?? That's what I get for letting a man do it!
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