Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Home Makeover!

When I bought my house in July, it was in major need of a paint makeover. I have slowly been tackling rooms since I moved in.  I started with my room so, well... so I could sleep.

BEFORE (at move-in):


The biggest painting pet peeve I have is that all the trim and all the doors were painted dark brown (except in Chase's room where it is all gray)... and upstairs some of the browns don't even match.  The whole house just feels dark.  I really wanted white trim to brighten things up, but that is a daunting task!  I started with the kitchen when I moved in (and while I was at it I also painted the walls).

BEFORE (at move-in):


My living/dining rooms had to be transformed, for sure.  Sorry for the blurry "before" picture, but it's all I have from the day I moved in.

BEFORE (at move-in):

I had to get rid of that red wall so I did paint that room when I moved in, but I still had that dark trim and orange dining room, which just had to go.  That's what the past 4 days have been about.  While the kids were at their dad's I:
  • Painted all the trim and doors white on the first floor
  • Painted my orange dining room
  • Painted my stairwell
  • Painted the trim up the stairs (ugh)
I'm tired.

At any rate, here are the before/afters!  I am so thrilled with the results!

BEFORE (taken last week):










And then of course when I got to the stairs I realized I couldn't leave it like this...

So I had to go up (sigh):

I am so happy to be DONE.  It was a lot of work but it was so worth it.  Everything feels so much fresher, brighter, newer and bigger.  I'm not even going to think about the upstairs right now because there are way too many doors to deal with!  Baby steps.  :)

I love my house!

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