Anyway, because I try to do things the easiest way possible, I bought the pre-made cookie dough so we could skip the whole messy preparation part (I know my mom is shaking her head at me right now). Well, it turns out it is probably not that much easier to buy the dough already pre-made, because it is extra gooey and sticky and harder to work with. I eventually gave up on the rolling pin altogether and we just used our hands to press it all out. We were able to cookie cut our shapes, but getting them to keep their form while scooping them up and transferring them to the pan was another story.
Pop quiz: What are the following figures supposed to be? (Hint: It is not a giant turkey and its wattle.)
LOL...oh well...who cares how they look - they still taste good! :-)
I can't believe how hard I just laughed. Both at the "it's not a turkey and its wattle" comment and at the actual cookies & their cutter shapes.
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