Step 2: When he refuses, ask the cat for help:
Step 4: Do a victory dance.
Step 5: Scream in horror as you watch it crawl out from under the book and dart across the floor.
Step 6: Grab a box. Surely that is heavy enough!
Step 7: Throw the box.
Step 8: Miss.
Step 9: Scream.
Step 10: Repeat steps 7-9.
Step 11: Repeat steps 7-9 again.
Step 12: Throw the box again and hit the darn thing this time.
Step 13: Do a little victory dance.
Step 14: Scream in horror as you watch it crawl out from under the box and dart across the floor.
Step 15: As it heads under your bed, where you know you will never catch it and therefore will never sleep again, certain it is crawling all over you, suck it up (because now you're a little peeved at the sucker) and dismantle your bed for a mattress support board.
Step 16: Whack at it with the board several times while chasing it around the room (screaming continuously, of course).
Step 17: Finally injure it enough so it can't run as fast.
Step 18: Say "Ah HA!" in your very best evil mastermind voice.
Step 19: Beat it with the board continuously, whacking way beyond the necessary amount of whacks needed to declare a time of death.
Step 20: Lay the board on top of it and walk across its dead body... for good measure, of course... not because you enjoy it at all (because that would be evil).
Step 21: Jump up and down a couple times (just for added good measure). Try not to smile in the process.
Step 22: Stand proudly over the body and declare victory:
Great story. Love the cat trying to get the credit!
Some things never change:). I laughed out loud!
You sure have had a lot of critter problems lately! Glad I'm not in TX!!!
I hate spiders. Really deplore them. They're disgusting AND undoubtedly they are tiny perverts. They just have to be with all those little legs and beady eyes.
You did the right thing.
I thought Jeff was the most afraid of spiders out of any human I have ever met. I stand corrected. You sure you wanna go camping?
Julia - Not if there will be spiders that big!!
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