The front entry/hall/stairway is finally done. Phew! I did have help, because we didn't have a ladder quite tall enough (or a wife quite brave enough) to paint all the way up the two-story entryway, but I painted as high as I could go and we had someone come in this week to paint the rest. It feels GREAT to have it done, and I'm so happy with the color we chose. Anyway, here are a few before and afters for you!
And I didn't have any good "before's" of the stairs, but here are a couple "afters:"

P.S. Did you see the previous post?? ;)
wow! They are all looking great! I love the colors you're using. Esp the dark with the white contrast. Can you come back to MI and paint our house?? It looks wonderful!!
Very elegant. I was talking with Barb Prikasky about it, as she follows your blog too, and she says she loves the look - in Texas. It is apparently a big look down there,but not so much here. I would never have thought if it, but it's a great look for your house. Especially leaving the white accents. You do good work - and while you're in Michigan painting Barbara's house, you can do ours as well!
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