Monday, December 31, 2007
Photo Album Password
Thursday, December 27, 2007
A Very Merry Christmas

We did our traditional Christmas light display outings at the Lady of the Snows and Rock Park. It was past Chase's bed time each night we went but he was such a trooper. He really liked the lights and each place had a petting zoo which kept him entertained!

Christmas morning was stretched into Christmas afternoon, as Chase opened his gifts in 3 shifts!

One of Chase's favorite gifts was a basketball hoop, and I think Brian got into the game even more than Chase did!

I hope everyone had as nice of a holiday as we did. For more photos, check out our Photo Album!
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
12 Months!

Click here to compare it to his 11 month photo!
He went to the doctor for his 12-month checkup Monday. He is now 21lbs 12oz (35th percentile) and 30" long (55th percentile).
It is impossible to get this kid to sit still for these photos. I got this shot right as he was diving for me. So, I hereby declare this the last monthly bear photo. From here on out I think we'll do yearly photos (well, maybe I'll sneak an 18 month photo in there, too). ;)
The slideshow of all his month photos has been updated at the bottom of Chase's Info Page if you're interested in seeing the progression. [Update 1/18/08: This page no longer exists. If you would like me to email you a slideshow of the progression, let me know!]
Random photos taken over the last month are now in our Photo Album (labeled "Chase: 11 Months - Misc.").
P.S. 6 days til Christmas!
Monday, December 17, 2007

First, my parents came to visit on their way out to California to spend Christmas with my brother and his family (yes, they are DRIVING)! Dad spent most of the weekend at a flying workshop and Mom was nice enough to babysit Chase while Brian and I spent all day and overnight in the city Saturday! We had MAJOR shopping to take care of (we are SO behind this year!) and we got my family done (phew!) so now just have to work on finishing up Brian’s.
The city was so beautiful, all lit up for the holidays. We did our usual State Street and Michigan Avenue thing that we do every year (last year I was hugely pregnant so it was nice to be able to walk vs. waddle around downtown this year). We also caught a movie while we were downtown because we discovered a movie theatre just 2 blocks from our hotel. We saw “I am Legend.” It was really good, but VERY intense. Will Smith was great in it.
When we got home Sunday it was time for (dun, dun, dunnnnnnnn)… the CAKE! Some things I learned about birthday cake decorating this weekend:
- Don’t forget to add water to your cake mix batter. Thank goodness for Mom who realized something was up when I wound the entire batter up the mixer and couldn’t get it out.
- Don’t let your mom help you get the cake out of the pan with a big knife or you will have to spend extra precious time patching holes (love you, Mom)!
- You need a “screw thingy” to attach tips to icing bags.
- The fancy tips you buy at Hobby Lobby don’t screw right onto the frosting tubes (but they SHOULD! Someone invent that)!
- You need more than a tiny tube of icing to cover a whole cake.
- To thin out frosting you have to use corn syrup.
- Sending your husband to the store for corn syrup is never a good idea. Especially when he has already gone through the checkout line once to buy you more frosting.
- None of the employees at Jewel know what corn syrup is, let alone where to find it.
- Corn syrup is in the aisle with the maple syrup on the very top shelf in a box.
- Never let your son taste the frosting before you’re done with the cake or he’ll sit at your feet grunting and shaking his fists at you for more while you’re trying to control your decorating hand.
- Never set your masterpiece on top of your gas stove where pilot lights continually burn and produce heat (thanks, Brian, for noticing the icing was starting to melt).

I think that’s it, folks! I totally forgot to take his 1-year photo with his teddy bear yesterday but I will do that and post it soon.
I will also publish more photos of this weekend's festivities to our Photo Album once I've compiled them all from various cameras. I'll put an update here when posted. [Update 12/18/07: Photos posted!]
8 days til Christmas!!!!
Friday, December 14, 2007
Can't Wait!
Chase got his first birthday present in the mail and he just BEGGED us to let him open it! I got a cute video of it but for some reason Blogger isn't letting me attach it. I'll keep trying, so keep checking back for it! [Update 1/18/08: Still nothing. I'm starting to think the file is corrupt or something. I'm so bummed!]
P.S. 11 days til Christmas!
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
The Ultimate Mommy Test!
My original plan was nothing fancy, just bake a cake (from a box, I might add). Then Brian said, "you should at least make it in the shape of something." And I thought, hey... that can't be hard. I mean, you just dump the cake mix into the shaped pan and VOILA! Right?
So off we went to Hobby Lobby to find a cake pan. There were lots of choices, but it became clear pretty quickly that unless you did some decorating it was going to be hard to tell what the shapes were. So I took a deep breath, chose what seemed like a relatively easy lion, and bought all the icings and fancy tips I needed.
The thing is, boys and girls, I don't cook. I have a handful of easy (and I stress EASY) recipes I can pull out if I absolutely have to, but I'm not exactly handy in that department. It takes me forever to make something because I am literally lost in the kitchen. "Where are the measuring spoons?" "How much is a dash?" "I thought vanilla was a scent.... You can put it in food?!?"
So I have decided this cake will be my ultimate mommy test. If I can pull this off (with the lion looking relatively alive and happy when it's all over and done with), I can call myself a supermom. If I fail miserably I may just have to hand Chase over to Brian and pray he turns out OK.
Wish me luck!
P.S. 14 days til Christmas!
P.P.S. I must be nuts trying to bake my first ever fancy lion birthday cake sometime in the next 14 days before Christmas. Like I have nothing else to do than wander aimlessly around my kitchen for the 5 hours it's going to take me to accomplish this task!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Decorating for Christmas
16 days til Christmas!!
And only 1 week til Chase's first birthday. We really need to get on that, too. I hate being this disorganized, people!!
Friday, November 30, 2007
Happy Birthday, Hubby!
Happy Birthday, Hubby!
(25 days til Christmas!)
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
Chase also got to hang out with his cousins (all girls!):
(He looks a little overwhelmed, doesn't he?!?)
This may have been the last Thanksgiving with all my step-siblings at my parents' house because they are thinking of moving out of state within the next year. I'm glad we were able to make it.... It was shaky for awhile!
Our plans were to leave for Michigan early Thursday (Thanksgiving day) morning, because our family Thanksgiving wasn't scheduled until Friday. Wednesday night Chase surprised us by throwing up EVERYWHERE. Luckily he seemed to get everything out of his system before his bed time and he slept fine through the night. When I woke up Thursday morning Brian was moaning in bed beside me. Uh, oh.... Yup, he had it. We waited a few hours until things calmed down a bit and then loaded up the car (with a bucket... just in case)! Chase got through Thursday just fine so we thought he was in the clear, but then Friday night he got sick again, and then I was up all night with it myself. This might explain how I got the bug:

Anyway, Brian was sick the entire time and I was miserable this morning, so it is a MIRACLE we got home today without having to pull over every 20 minutes. Needless to say, we are not doing much this evening (except watching Mizzou beat Kansas in football.... WOO HOO)!
31 days til Christmas!!
P.S. I will be posting photos to our Photo Album, but it won't be soon. I'm about to enter Tech Week for Soapbox's next show and won't be able to breathe again until it opens next weekend. I'll put an update here when they've been downloaded! [Update 12/14/07: Photos posted!]
Saturday, November 17, 2007
11 Months!
Click here to compare it to his 10 month photo!
I swear he smiled for the camera with every picture I took. It's hard for me to believe it was a coincidence when every time I put the camera up he turned and gave me a cheesy grin. My mom will be so proud!
The slideshow of all his month photos has been updated at the bottom of Chase's Info Page if you're interested in seeing the progression. [Update 1/18/08: This page no longer exists. If you would like me to email you a slideshow of the progression, let me know!] He is pulling up on things all the time now. I can't believe he'll be a year old next month!
Random photos taken over the last month are now in our Photo Album (labeled "Chase: 10 Months - Misc.").
P.S. 38 days til Christmas!
Monday, November 12, 2007
Counting Down!

43 days!!!!
We just bought Chase's stocking. We didn't know what to do for him last Christmas since his due date was Christmas Eve and we weren't sure he'd be here by Christmas (plus the fact I was superstitious about embroidering his name on anything before he even got here)! So last year we bought him a generic "Baby's 1st Christmas" stocking, just in case. Now he has a "real" stocking with his name embroidered on it that he'll use every year, just like we do!
We are really excited to share this Christmas with Chase. I know he was around last Christmas but he was a week old, we were sleep deprived, and he spent the day like this:

(I can't believe that onesie ever fit him!!)
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Chase's First Halloween

(The little turtle feet didn't stay on very well!)
Sunday, October 28, 2007
New Toys
Anyway, to get the most bang for our buck I tried to entice Chase to get some use out of the boxes they came in (but I think I had more fun playing in them than he did)!
Friday, October 26, 2007
Blazin' Brother Update
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Jack-O-Lantern Family Photo
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Fire Map
Please keep thinking of him and his family!
Monday, October 22, 2007
California Blazes
Love you, J!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
10 Months!
Click here to compare it to his 9 month photo!
The slideshow of all his month photos has been updated at the bottom of Chase's Info Page if you're interested in seeing the progression. [Update 1/18/08: This page no longer exists. If you would like me to email you a slideshow of the progression, let me know!]
He is all over the place, crawling like a maniac and pulling up on things. He has finally learned to wave "bye-bye" (we've been working on that for awhile) so that has been the highlight of my mornings this week. He's so much fun!
Random photos taken over the last month are now in our Photo Album (labeled "Chase: 9 Months - Misc.").
Monday, October 15, 2007
Weekend in Alma

Monday, October 8, 2007
A Visit from the Deck Fairy

Elmer was kind enough to drive up from St. Louis this weekend to help Brian powerwash and re-stain the deck. It looks really nice now that it's done! Of course we managed to find time to go to the Scarecrow Festival and do some shopping (and eating!) while he was here, too! He was also kind enough to babysit for us while we attended friends Jill and Jonah's wedding and reception Saturday (Congrats, Jill & Jonah)!
Photos of our weekend are posted in our Photo Album!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Sunday, September 30, 2007
He's a Singin' Dancin' Piano Man!
Just thought I'd share this video clip of Chase jammin' at his piano (and this is the tame version)! He LOVES this video of himself, by the way. It makes him laugh every time. ;)
Now THAT'S entertainment!
P.S. I LOVE that I can download videos right to Blogger now vs. going through YouTube. I'm sure you'll see much more videos posted as a result!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Vegas, Baby!!

- Shopping with Katie at Caesars Palace while Brian and Ryan followed us around with drinks (so everyone was happy)!
- Stomp Out Loud. What an incredible show. I had seen Stomp about 15 years ago (yes, that does make me feel old) and it was pretty much what I remembered, but still incredibly amazing to see.
- We saw a comedy magic show (the Mac King Comedy Magic Show, though Mac King was out and someone else filled in), and the best part was laughing at stupid people in the audience. “Name one of the 50 states.” “Canada!”
- GOOD EATS. I’m sure I gained 10 pounds but I’m afraid to get on the scale to check. It was worth it, though! We got a chance to go back to Battistas for AMAZING Italian. People leave their business cards all over the walls there so I put one of my Soapbox cards up (I feel so special)!
- Dueling pianos at the Bar at Times Square in New York New York. Those guys have to make a fortune! We're sure in the 1 hour we were there they made a minimum of $500 in tips from song requests.
- Dancing all night with Katie at Polly Esthers in the Stratosphere. We were SO tired before we left (so much so that we had to “pep talk” each other into getting ready vs. climbing into bed... like we did the night before!) and when the boys dropped us off we told them we would probably be back in an hour, we were so tired. Well, we ended up dancing non-stop until they closed at 4am… just like old times! My legs are paying for it, though… they are SO SORE.
- Massages at the hotel spa the next day. The boys chose to watch football instead but it was just the afternoon Katie and I needed to recoop from our night of dancing before. The massage therapist asked me, "is there any particular area you would like me to concentrate on?" and I barely let her finish. "MY LEGS AND FEET ARE KILLING ME." It was heavenly.
- We lost $$ (Oh, well.... It was worth it!)!
Highlights of Chase's weekend with Grandma & Grandpa W:
- Giving Grandpa the opportunity to change his first disposable diaper
- Giving Grandma the opportunity to scrub poop out of her carpet
- Waking Grandma and Grandpa up at 4am the last 2 nights he was there
- Getting new toys and books and clothes!
- Taking lots of walks
- Feeding the ducks and fish where his Grandma Janice is buried
- Meeting the Wilburs and Aunt Lauren
Photos of our trip are now posted in our Photo Album!
Monday, September 17, 2007
9 Months!

Click here to compare it to his 8 month photo!
You can see more teeth in this photo than the others. He now has EIGHT of them! Chase also went to the doctor today and he is now 20 lbs (50th percentile) and 28 1/2" long (60th percentile).
His slideshow has been updated on Chase's Info Page if you're interested in seeing the progression. [Update 1/18/08: This page no longer exists. If you would like me to email you a slideshow of the progression, let me know!]
Random photos taken over the last month are also posted in our Photo Album (labeled "Chase: 8 Months - Misc.").
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Edwards Apple Orchard
Photos of our day are now posted in our Photo Album!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Scrapbooking and Such

To see the photos my mom took this weekend, click here!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I had to go to Atlanta for an all-day meeting yesterday. I flew in Monday night and out Tuesday night. It would have been a pretty boring trip but I took the opportunity to have dinner with my wonderful friend Janet while I was there! She is doing an internship about an hour and a half away and she was kind enough to drive all the way over to have dinner with me! As always, I learned so much from her... about horse acupuncture, camel dentistry and the unbelievably exciting (*drum roll, please*)... World Rabies Day!! (Next year I'm totally throwing a party for it.) I'm afraid all I had to offer her were stories of boogers and poop. Come to think of it, she had some of those stories for me, too.
So, anyway, Monday night in Atlanta was fun. Tuesday night was not. My plane was delayed and I spent many hours in the airport watching a special on Osama Bin Laden that was playing on all the TV's. Now maybe I'm overreacting but it just seemed a bit tasteless and insensitive to play that on 9/11 in the airport. At any rate, I came out of it all with just a mild case of sleep deprivation (hence my lack of brain function for a snappy title to this blog).
Z z z z z z z z z z z z . . . .
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Nesting and Forbidden Toys

But seriously.... Anything Chase can't have, he wants. Everyone told me this but now that I've seen it with my own eyes I feel like I can pass it along as advice: When you have kids, don't buy toys. They will want to play with the stapler instead. The photo above illustrates my point. Aunt Jen's credit card was the ONLY thing that would get him to quiet down while we were all out to eat in St. Louis a couple months ago.
Chase's new favorite toy is a prescription pill bottle. He found it from when I had the flu this summer and it was apparently a really fun rattle. So I cleaned it out and filled it with Cheerios just in case he was a super genius and figured out how to open the childproof cap. It wasn't until we went out to Taco Bell yesterday and everyone was staring at us funny that I looked at my son, the bottle shoved in his mouth, and thought, "This probably looks really bad...."
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Last Zoo Trip of the Summer

More photos of our day are posted in our Photo Album!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
8 Months
Click here to compare it to his 7 month photo!
You can also see a slideshow of all his month photos on Chase's Info Page, FYI. [Update 1/18/08: This page no longer exists. If you would like me to email you a slideshow of the progression, let me know!]
Random photos taken over the last month are also posted in our Photo Album (labeled "Chase: 7 Months - Misc."), FYI.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
New Car!
Our Blog Has Moved!
Check us out at !
DISCLAIMER: Texas is a huge state. We are very well aware not all areas here are the same. These are just a few things we have learned about...
Well, it's official. Brian is now "Dr. Brian." This post is a bit delayed due to our travel and all, but Brian walked through ...
Chase and I got back from Tampa yesterday. Brian had a conference scheduled there so we tacked a little family getaway onto the front of it....